Wednesday, April 4, 2012


One night Rockwell was up later than the other kiddles so we turned on The Piano Guys  for him.  His favorite is  their Cello Wars video.  About twenty replay’s later I still couldn’t get him to look away for a picture. 




I just love all the little faces he makes.



Currently, besides me and Perry, he is the only other person she lets snuggle and love on her.  I just love their little bond, and how he is such a good big brother.




Passed out at Sunday dinner.  He just plays so hard he wears himself out.


He loves everything boy: cars, guns, sports.  He can’t get enough of walking around the new Dicks sporting goods store, his favorite is to look at golf stuff and Perry just loves that.  He can dribble a basketball better than any 2 year old I’ve ever seen, wait I’ve never seen a 2 year old dribble before.  But he can. He is amazing.  And my favorite thing is that aside from all the guy stuff is he still love things like ThePianoGuys, singing his primary songs, helping me cook and clean, and saying his prayers.


He is just what a little boy aught to be…..


1 comment:

Ryan and Mikell said...

what a handsome little stud! p.s. that picture of eyla and raya holding hands while sleeping is priceless. love it.