Monday, January 25, 2010

Good Mornings

This is my alarm clock. He provides a wake-up call anytime between 5 and 8 am. I curse the days it close 5 and love the days it is closer to 8. After I feed him I put him in our bed where he falls back asleep really good, it is amazing to me how my babies totally know the difference between their crib and my bed. He smiled right when I took this picture it was so perfect.
Next I find Raya who has been up for a while now, bright as the sunshine. She is a morning person if I have ever met one, always happy and sweet as can be. We play for a while and then attempt to go and get Eyla out of bed.
Eyla, not a morning person, just whines and rolls over and so we go back and play and wait for her to come to us on her own time.

1 comment:

the Proas said...

that is so funny. rockwell just wants food. raya loves to be up! and eyla wants to wake up on her own time. how cute. i love it :)