I turned 25 on August 17th.
I had some near panic attacks as the day fast approached that I would be turning a quarter of century old, I kept wishing I was only turning 19 so I didn’t feel “so old.” However, as I spent the day with my incredible husband and wonderful kids I realized that if I were only turning 19 I wouldn’t have had that day, or every single amazing day that I have had. 25 reasons that I couldn’t be happier I am 25 and not still 19.
25-My awesome 25th all day birthday party 24-St. George 23-Swimming 22-Holidays
21-Play dough 20-Dress ups 19-Eyla and Raya dancing and singing 18-Rockwell talking
17-My kids adorable friends 16-My sweet sweet friends 15-ChaCha 14-ShayKelly
13-My in-laws 12-Kisses 11-Eyla at night 10-Raya in the morning
9-Rockwell learning to walk 8-The opportunity to be a home-maker
7-Becoming a mom and learning that I love it 6-Becoming a wife and learning that I love it
5-Future children 4-Rockwell 3-Raya Lynn 2-Eyla May
Ok enough sappy stuff here are some pictures of the all day party!
We went to the Washington City Recreation Center for some fun swimming. The kids love this place.

On the way home we got slurpees. Rockwell thought it was his birthday.
After we showered and got cleaned up we ate a fabulous dinner. Steak and twice baked potatoes, and some other stuff, but the main attraction was those two items. Then we commenced opening presents and having cake.

I know this post is totally picture overload but I wanted to show ya’ll all the funness and also how many cute faces this little guy has.