He sent his Son to die for us....then rise with living breath.
The only thing that could make an already perfect Easter better was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing my favorite song during General Conference.A picture worth a thousand words.
This picture is the story of my life.
Being surrounded by my three favorite things while my very most favorite thing is standing nearby watching over us. I am so grateful for my family and for my Savior who has made it possible for me to be with them for eternity.
Easter Morning
Egg Hunting
Painting Eggs
Rayas eggs
Eylas eggs
teaching my girls how to show off an excellently painted egg
our egg painting buddy, sweet Aunt Shay
Yay eggs!
Rockwell joining in the fun
the first egg she peeled to eat was a double yoker, she was so excited but too bad she only likes the whites of the eggs, but mommy was happy, yummy yokes
who knew....
the Easter Bunny was so handsome :)
my grandmother wrote "he sent his son"! My favorite song too! I'm glad you guys had an excellent Easter!
hey julianna, here is a list of everything my grandmother did for the church. She has I think 4 or 5 in the hymn book and she has a bunch in the children's hymn book. she was editor of the Friend for a long time and a bunch of her poems were published in the Friend, Ensign, etc.
just go to this link
I don't know why he sent his son isn't on that list, but she did write it. If you look her up you will see her name. It's one of her better known songs
I really like this post. I love that Raya wanted all the clips in her hair. so dang cute.
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