Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dress ups and "going shopping"

Multiple times a day the girls will put on every dress-up they own, get their back-packs AND their purses and tell me they are "going shopping." then the following conversation occurs....
I ask, "Where are you going shopping?"
They say, "Costco."
Then they say, "Bye, see ya next week."
They go in the next room and I continue chatting with Rockwell and two minutes later the come back and say "Eyla back now."
Yes Raya says "Eyla back now," too. When asked her name she says Raya but in sentences she refers to herself as Eyla. And both of them can not speak in first person they always talk in 3rd person. I am seriously questioning my mothering skills.
And when I ask Raya to smile for the camera she doesn't smile but just squints her eyes like that....everytime.

Just cute

These pictures are kinda old but so cute. My girls are always asking if they can hold Rockwell. They always let me know if he cries and gripes and they'll talk to him and rub him head to sooth him. They are always trying to entertain him even when I am trying to feed him. They are such good big sisters. The cutest is that they call him "little Rockwell man."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thumb of Pacifier?

I have never given any of my babies a pacifier (and never will). However, is that better than a thumb? Afterall you can take a pacifier away if it becomes a habit. Rockwell has sucked his thumb since the day he was born. I get done feeding him and he immediately finds his thumb. Don't worry it's not because he is hungry, anyone who has seen him knows he isn't lacking food. I worry that he will turn 4 or 5 have a shrunken thumb and have to be persuaded with a barbie blender (marilyn :)) in order to stop the habit. If it gets to that I will definitely find a more manly toy to persuade him to stop. Though I worry about it becoming a habit right now I find it absolutely adorable and can't get enough of him smacking away on his thumb.